Erin Stellato is a Principal Consultant with SQLskills and a SQL Server MVP. She has worked as a SQL Server professional since 2003, and has provided support for SQL Server environments across a variety of industries including healthcare, insurance, finance and government. Click here for a full bio.
Erin Stellato (@erinstellato) of SQLskills demonstrates that, while incremental statistics can help with maintenance, they are ignored by the optimizer.
Erin Stellato (@erinstellato) adds another entry to her series on proactive health checks for SQL Server, this time treating database and instance settings.
Erin Stellato (@erinstellato) of SQLskills continues her series on proactive SQL Server health checks, this time focusing on mastering maintenance tasks.
Erin Stellato (@erinstellato) of SQLskills kicks off a series on proactive SQL Server health checks, explaining how she handles disk space management for customers.
Erin Stellato (@erinstellato) of SQLskills explains another reason she avoids the built-in sp_updatestats procedure: it doesn't consider indexed views.