Updated Azure SQL Database Tier Options Tim Radney explains many new options for Azure SQL Database, including serverless, hyperscale, and hardware configuration optimized for CPU or memory. Tim Radney ◆ April 27, 2020 0
Removing the default trace – Part 3 Aaron Bertrand finishes up his series on replacing the default trace with views to simplify consumption and a caveat about reports in SSMS. Aaron Bertrand ◆ April 22, 2020 0
New Metadata-Only Column Changes in SQL Server 2016 Paul White investigates the new metadata-only column data type changes possible in SQL Server 2016 when using data compression. Paul White ◆ April 17, 2020 3
Bandwidth-friendly Query Profiling for Azure SQL Database This script to update the default extended events session for ADS Profiler will make for a safer and more bandwidth-friendly query capture experience for Azure SQL Database. Greg Gonzalez ◆ April 15, 2020 0
An approach to index tuning – Part 2 Erin Stellato concludes her two-part series on her multi-step approach to index tuning in SQL Server. Erin Stellato ◆ April 13, 2020 1
Fundamentals of table expressions, Part 1 Itzik Ben-Gan starts a new series discussing the fundamentals of table expressions, a commonly misunderstood feature in T-SQL. Itzik Ben-Gan ◆ April 8, 2020 0
Removing the default trace – Part 2 Aaron Bertrand continues his series on replacing the default trace with a more efficient and more complete Extended Events session. Aaron Bertrand ◆ April 6, 2020 0