Aaron Bertrand

Serializing Deletes From Clustered Columnstore Indexes

January 5, 2022 by in Columnstore | 9 Comments
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Paul White is an independent SQL Server consultant specializing in performance tuning, execution plans, and the query optimizer.

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At Stack Overflow, we have some tables using clustered columnstore indexes, and these work great for the majority of our workload. But we recently came across a situation where “perfect storms” — multiple processes all trying to delete from the same CCI — would overwhelm the CPU as they all went widely parallel and fought to complete their operation. Here's what it looked like in SolarWinds® SQL Sentry®:

CPU and Wait Charts from SolarWinds SQL Sentry

And here are the interesting waits associated with these queries:

Interesting Waits from SolarWinds SQL Sentry

The queries competing were all of this form:

DELETE dbo.LargeColumnstoreTable WHERE col1 = @p1 AND col2 = @p2;

The plan looked like this:

Execution plan for parallel delete from clustered columnstore

And the warning on the scan advised us of some pretty extreme residual I/O:

Warning about residual I/O

The table has 1.9 billion rows but is only 32GB (thank you, columnar storage!). Still, these single-row deletes would take 10 – 15 seconds each, with most of this time being spent on SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD.

Thankfully, since in this scenario the delete operation could be asynchronous, we were able to solve the problem with two changes (though I’m grossly oversimplifying here):

  • We limited MAXDOP at the database level so these deletes can't go quite so parallel
  • We improved serialization of the processes coming from the application (basically, we queued deletes through a single dispatcher)

As a DBA, we can easily control MAXDOP, unless it’s overridden at the query level (another rabbit hole for another day). We can't necessarily control the application to this extent, especially if it’s distributed or not ours. How can we serialize the writes in this case without drastically changing the application logic?

A Mock Setup

I'm not going to try to create a two billion-row table locally — never mind the exact table — but we can approximate something on a smaller scale and try to reproduce the same issue.

Let's pretend this is the SuggestedEdits table (in reality, it's not). But it's an easy example to use because we can pull the schema from the Stack Exchange Data Explorer. Using this as a base, we can create an equivalent table (with a few minor changes to make it easier to populate) and throw a clustered columnstore index on it:

CREATE TABLE dbo.FakeSuggestedEdits
  Id            int IDENTITY(1,1),
  PostId        int NOT NULL DEFAULT CONVERT(int, ABS(CHECKSUM(NEWID()))) % 200,
  CreationDate  datetime2 NOT NULL DEFAULT sysdatetime(),
  ApprovalDate  datetime2 NOT NULL DEFAULT sysdatetime(),
  RejectionDate datetime2 NULL,
  OwnerUserId   int NOT NULL DEFAULT 7,
  Comment       nvarchar (800)   NOT NULL DEFAULT NEWID(),
  Text          nvarchar (max)   NOT NULL DEFAULT NEWID(),
  Title         nvarchar (250)   NOT NULL DEFAULT NEWID(),
  Tags          nvarchar (250)   NOT NULL DEFAULT NEWID(),
  RevisionGUID  uniqueidentifier NOT NULL DEFAULT NEWSEQUENTIALID(),

To populate it with 100 million rows, we can cross join sys.all_objects and sys.all_columns five times (on my system, this will produce 2.68 million rows each time, but YMMV):

-- 2680350 * 5 ~ 3 minutes

INSERT dbo.FakeSuggestedEdits(CreationDate)
  SELECT TOP (10) /*(2000000) */ modify_date
  FROM sys.all_objects AS o
  CROSS JOIN sys.columns AS c;
GO 5

Then, we can check the space:

EXEC sys.sp_spaceused @objname = N'dbo.FakeSuggestedEdits';

It's only 1.3GB, but this should be sufficient:

Results of sp_spaceused

Mimicking Our Clustered Columnstore Delete

Here’s a simple query roughly matching what our application was doing to the table:

DECLARE @p1 int = ABS(CHECKSUM(NEWID())) % 10000000, @p2 int = 7;
DELETE dbo.FakeSuggestedEdits WHERE Id = @p1 AND OwnerUserId = @p2;

The plan isn't quite a perfect match, though:

Default serial plan on my laptop

To get it to go parallel and produce similar contention on my meager laptop, I had to coerce the optimizer a little with this hint:


Now, it looks right:

Coerced parallel plan on my laptop

Reproducing the Problem

Then, we can create a surge of concurrent delete activity using SqlStressCmd to delete 1,000 random rows using 16 and 32 threads:

sqlstresscmd -s docs/ColumnStore.json -t 16
sqlstresscmd -s docs/ColumnStore.json -t 32

We can observe the strain this puts on CPU:

Initial CPU load during batch delete activity

The strain on CPU lasts throughout the batches of about 64 and 130 seconds, respectively:

Runtime stats for batch delete jobs

Note: The output from SQLQueryStress is sometimes a little off on iterations, but I’ve confirmed the work you ask it to do gets done precisely.

A Potential Workaround: A Delete Queue

Initially, I thought about introducing a queue table in the database, which we could use to offload delete activity:

CREATE TABLE dbo.SuggestedEditDeleteQueue
  QueueID       int IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY,
  EnqueuedDate  datetime2 NOT NULL DEFAULT sysdatetime(),
  ProcessedDate datetime2 NULL,
  Id            int NOT NULL,
  OwnerUserId   int NOT NULL

All we need is an INSTEAD OF trigger to intercept these rogue deletes coming from the application and place them on the queue for background processing. Unfortunately, you can't create a trigger on a table with a clustered columnstore index:

Msg 35358, Level 16, State 1
CREATE TRIGGER on table 'dbo.FakeSuggestedEdits' failed because you cannot create a trigger on a table with a clustered columnstore index. Consider enforcing the logic of the trigger in some other way, or if you must use a trigger, use a heap or B-tree index instead.

We'll need a minimal change to the application code, so that it calls a stored procedure to handle the delete:

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.DeleteSuggestedEdit
  @Id          int,
  @OwnerUserId int

  DELETE dbo.FakeSuggestedEdits 
    WHERE Id = @Id AND OwnerUserId = @OwnerUserId;

This isn't a permanent state; this is just to keep the behavior the same while changing only one thing in the app. Once the app is changed and is successfully calling this stored procedure instead of submitting ad hoc delete queries, the stored procedure can change:

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.DeleteSuggestedEdit
  @Id          int,
  @OwnerUserId int

  INSERT dbo.SuggestedEditDeleteQueue(Id, OwnerUserId)
    SELECT @Id, @OwnerUserId;

Testing the Impact of the Queue

Now, if we change SqlQueryStress to call the stored procedure instead:

DECLARE @p1 int = ABS(CHECKSUM(NEWID())) % 10000000, @p2 int = 7;
EXEC dbo.DeleteSuggestedEdit @Id = @p1, @OwnerUserId = @p2;

And submit similar batches (placing 16K or 32K rows on the queue):

DECLARE @p1 int = ABS(CHECKSUM(NEWID())) % 10000000, @p2 int = 7;
EXEC dbo.@Id = @p1 AND OwnerUserId = @p2;

The CPU impact is slightly higher:

CPU impact of diverted writes to delete queue

But the workloads finish much more quickly — 16 and 23 seconds, respectively:

Coerced parallel plan on my laptop

This is a significant reduction in the pain the applications will feel as they get into periods of high concurrency.

We Still Have to Perform the Delete, Though

We still have to process those deletes in the background, but we can now introduce batching and have full control over the rate and any delays we want to inject between operations. Here’s the very basic structure of a stored procedure to process the queue (admittedly without fully vested transactional control, error handling, or queue table cleanup):

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.ProcessSuggestedEditQueue
  @JobSize        int = 10000,
  @BatchSize      int = 100,
  @DelayInSeconds int = 2      -- must be between 1 and 59
  DECLARE @d TABLE(Id int, OwnerUserId int);
  DECLARE @rc int = 1,
          @jc int = 0, 
          @wf nvarchar(100) = N'WAITFOR DELAY ' + CHAR(39) 
              + '00:00:' + RIGHT('0' + CONVERT(varchar(2), 
                @DelayInSeconds), 2) + CHAR(39);
  WHILE @rc > 0 AND @jc < @JobSize
    DELETE @d; 

    UPDATE TOP (@BatchSize) q SET ProcessedDate = sysdatetime() 
      OUTPUT inserted.Id, inserted.OwnerUserId INTO @d 
      FROM dbo.SuggestedEditDeleteQueue AS q WITH (UPDLOCK, READPAST) 
       WHERE ProcessedDate IS NULL; 

    SET @rc = @@ROWCOUNT; 
    IF @rc = 0 BREAK; 

    DELETE fse 
      FROM dbo.FakeSuggestedEdits AS fse 
      INNER JOIN @d AS d 
        ON fse.Id = d.Id 
       AND fse.OwnerUserId = d.OwnerUserId; 

    SET @jc += @rc; 
    IF @jc > @JobSize BREAK;
    EXEC sys.sp_executesql @wf;
  RAISERROR('Deleted %d rows.', 0, 1, @jc) WITH NOWAIT;

Now, deleting rows will take longer — the average for 10,000 rows is 223 seconds, ~100 of which is intentional delay. But no user is waiting, so who cares? The CPU profile is almost zero, and the app can continue adding items on the queue as highly concurrent as it wants, with almost zero conflict with the background job. While processing 10,000 rows, I added another 16K rows to the queue, and it used the same CPU as before — taking only a second longer than when the job wasn't running:

Queuing more deletes while deletes are happening

And the plan now looks like this, with much better estimated / actual rows:

Delete plan during processing

I can see this queue table approach being an effective way to deal with high DML concurrency, but it does require at least a little bit of flexibility with the applications submitting DML — this is one reason I really like having applications call stored procedures, as they give us much more control closer to the data.

Other Options

If you don’t have the ability to change the delete queries coming from the application — or, if you can’t defer the deletes to a background process — you can consider other options to reduce the impact of the deletes:

  • A nonclustered index on the predicate columns to support point lookups (we can do this in isolation without changing the application)
  • Using soft deletes only (still requires changes to the application)

It’ll be interesting to see if these options offer similar benefits, but I’ll save them for a future post.