Aaron Bertrand

Readable Secondaries on a Budget

October 15, 2014 by in SQL Performance | 8 Comments
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Jonathan Kehayias is a Principal Consultant with SQLskills and the youngest MCM ever.

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Availability Groups, introduced in SQL Server 2012, represent a fundamental shift in the way we think about both high availability and disaster recovery for our databases. One of the great things made possible here is offloading read-only operations to a secondary replica, so that the primary read/write instance is not bothered by pesky things like end user reporting. Setting this up is not simple, but is a whole lot easier and more maintainable than previous solutions (raise your hand if you liked setting up mirroring and snapshots, and all the perpetual maintenance involved with that).

People get very excited when they hear about Availability Groups. Then reality hits: the feature requires the Enterprise Edition of SQL Server (as of SQL Server 2014, anyway). Enterprise Edition is expensive, especially if you have a lot of cores, and especially since the elimination of CAL-based licensing (unless you were grandfathered in from 2008 R2, in which case you are limited to the first 20 cores). It also requires Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC), a complication not just for demonstrating the technology on a laptop, but also requiring the Enterprise Edition of Windows, a domain controller, and a whole bunch of configuration to support clustering. And there are new requirements around Software Assurance, too; an added cost if you want your standby instances to be compliant.

Some customers can't justify the price. Others see the value, but simply can't afford it. So what are these users to do?

Your New Hero: Log Shipping

Log shipping has been around for ages. It's simple and it just works. Almost always. And aside from bypassing the licensing costs and configuration hurdles presented by Availability Groups, it can also avoid the 14-byte penalty that Paul Randal (@PaulRandal) talked about in this week's SQLskills Insider newsletter (October 13, 2014).

One of the challenges people have with using the log shipped copy as a readable secondary, though, is that you have to kick all the current users out in order to apply any new logs – so either you have users getting annoyed because they are repeatedly disrupted from running queries, or you have users getting annoyed because their data is stale. This is because people limit themselves to a single readable secondary.

It doesn't have to be that way; I think there is a graceful solution here, and while it might require a lot more leg work up front than, say, turning on Availability Groups, it will surely be an attractive option for some.

Basically, we can set up a number of secondaries, where we will log ship and make just one of them the "active" secondary, using a round-robin approach. The job that ships the logs knows which one is currently active, so it only restores new logs to the "next" server using the WITH STANDBY option. The reporting application uses the same information to determine at runtime what the connection string should be for the next report the user runs. When the next log backup is ready, everything shifts by one, and the instance that will now become the new readable secondary gets restored using WITH STANDBY.

To keep the model uncomplicated, let's say we have four instances that serve as readable secondaries, and we take log backups every 15 minutes. At any one time, we'll have one active secondary in standby mode, with data no older than 15 minutes old, and three secondaries in standby mode that aren't servicing new queries (but may still be returning results for older queries).

This will work best if no queries are expected to last longer than 45 minutes. (You may need to adjust these cycles depending on the nature of your read-only operations, how many concurrent users are running longer queries, and whether it is ever possible to disrupt users by kicking everyone out.)

It will also work best if consecutive queries run by the same user can change their connection string (this is logic that will need to be in the application, though you could use synonyms or views depending on the architecture), and contain different data that has changed in the meantime (just like if they were querying the live, constantly-changing database).

With all of these assumptions in mind, here is an illustrative sequence of events for the first 75 minutes of our implementation:

time events visual
12:00 (t0)
  • Backup log t0
  • Kick users out of instance A
  • Restore log t0 to instance A (STANDBY)
  • New read-only queries will go to instance A
Time t0 : Instance A becomes active read-only secondary
12:15 (t1)
  • Backup log t1
  • Kick users out of instance B
  • Restore log t0 to instance B (NORECOVERY)
  • Restore log t1 to instance B (STANDBY)
  • New read-only queries will go to instance B
  • Existing read-only queries to instance A can continue running, but ~15 minutes behind
Time t1 : Instance B becomes active read-only secondary
12:30 (t2)
  • Backup log t2
  • Kick users out of instance C
  • Restore logs t0 -> t1 to instance C (NORECOVERY)
  • Restore log t2 to instance C (STANDBY)
  • New read-only queries will go to instance C
  • Existing read-only queries to instances A & B can continue running (15-30 minutes behind)
Time t2 : Instance C becomes active read-only secondary
12:45 (t3)
  • Backup log t3
  • Kick users out of instance D
  • Restore logs t0 -> t2 to instance D (NORECOVERY)
  • Restore log t3 to instance D (STANDBY)
  • New read-only queries will go to instance D
  • Existing read-only queries to instances A, B & C can continue running (15-45 minutes behind)
Time t3 : Instance D becomes active read-only secondary
13:00 (t4)
  • Backup log t4
  • Kick users out of instance A
  • Restore logs t1 -> t3 to instance A (NORECOVERY)
  • Restore log t4 to instance A (STANDBY)
  • New read-only queries will go to instance A
  • Existing read-only queries to instances B, C & D can continue running (15-45 minutes behind)
  • Queries still running on instance A since t0 -> ~t1 (45-60 minutes) will be cancelled
Time t4 : Instance A becomes active read-only secondary again

That may seem simple enough; writing the code to handle all that is a little more daunting. A rough outline:

  1. On the primary server (I'll call it BOSS), create a database. Before even thinking about going any further, turn on Trace Flag 3226 to prevent successful backup messages from littering SQL Server's error log.
  2. On BOSS, add a linked server for each secondary (I'll call them PEON1 -> PEON4).
  3. Somewhere accessible to all servers, create a file share to store database/log backups, and ensure the service accounts for each instance have read/write access. Also, each secondary instance needs to have a location specified for the standby file.
  4. In a separate utility database (or MSDB, if you prefer), create tables that will hold configuration information about the database(s), all of the secondaries, and log backup and restore history.
  5. Create stored procedures that will back up the database and restore to the secondaries WITH NORECOVERY, and then apply one log WITH STANDBY, and mark one instance as the current standby secondary. These procedures can also be used to re-initialize the whole log shipping setup in the event anything goes wrong.
  6. Create a job that will run every 15 minutes, to perform the tasks described above:
    • backup the log
    • determine which secondary to apply any unapplied log backups to
    • restore those logs with the appropriate settings
  7. Create a stored procedure (and/or a view?) that will tell the calling application(s) which secondary they should use for any new read-only queries.
  8. Create a cleanup procedure to clear out log backup history for logs that have been applied to all secondaries (and perhaps also to move or purge the files themselves).
  9. Augment the solution with robust error handling and notifications.

Step 1 – create a database

My primary instance is Standard Edition, named .\BOSS. On that instance I create a simple database with one table:

USE [master];
USE UserData;
CREATE TABLE dbo.LastUpdate(EventTime DATETIME2);
INSERT dbo.LastUpdate(EventTime) SELECT SYSDATETIME();

Then I create a SQL Server Agent job that merely updates that timestamp every minute:

UPDATE UserData.dbo.LastUpdate SET EventTime = SYSDATETIME();

That just creates the initial database and simulates activity, allowing us to validate how the log shipping task rotates through each of the readable secondaries. I want to state explicitly that the point of this exercise is not to stress test log shipping or to prove how much volume we can punch through; that is a different exercise altogether.

Step 2 – add linked servers

I have four secondary Express Edition instances named .\PEON1, .\PEON2, .\PEON3, and .\PEON4. So I ran this code four times, changing @s each time:

USE [master];
DECLARE @s NVARCHAR(128) = N'.\PEON1',  -- repeat for .\PEON2, .\PEON3, .\PEON4
        @t NVARCHAR(128) = N'true';
EXEC [master].dbo.sp_addlinkedserver   @server     = @s, @srvproduct = N'SQL Server';
EXEC [master].dbo.sp_addlinkedsrvlogin @rmtsrvname = @s, @useself = @t;
EXEC [master].dbo.sp_serveroption      @server     = @s, @optname = N'collation compatible', @optvalue = @t;
EXEC [master].dbo.sp_serveroption      @server     = @s, @optname = N'data access',          @optvalue = @t;
EXEC [master].dbo.sp_serveroption      @server     = @s, @optname = N'rpc',                  @optvalue = @t;
EXEC [master].dbo.sp_serveroption      @server     = @s, @optname = N'rpc out',              @optvalue = @t;

Step 3 – validate file share(s)

In my case, all 5 instances are on the same server, so I just created a folder for each instance: C:\temp\Peon1\, C:\temp\Peon2\, and so on. Remember that if your secondaries are on different servers, the location should be relative to that server, but still be accessible from the primary (so typically a UNC path would be used). You should validate that each instance can write to that share, and you should also validate that each instance can write to the location specified for the standby file (I used the same folders for standby). You can validate this by backing up a small database from each instance to each of its specified locations – don't proceed until this works.

Step 4 – create tables

I decided to place this data in msdb, but I don't really have any strong feelings for or against creating a separate database. The first table I need is the one that holds information about the database(s) I am going to be log shipping:

  DatabaseName               SYSNAME,
  LogBackupFrequency_Minutes SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT (15),

INSERT dbo.PMAG_Databases(DatabaseName) SELECT N'UserData';

(If you're curious about the naming scheme, PMAG stands for "Poor Man's Availability Groups.")

Another table required is one to hold information about the secondaries, including their individual folders and their current status in the log shipping sequence.

CREATE TABLE dbo.PMAG_Secondaries
  DatabaseName     SYSNAME,
  ServerInstance   SYSNAME,
  CommonFolder     VARCHAR(512) NOT NULL,
  DataFolder       VARCHAR(512) NOT NULL,
  LogFolder        VARCHAR(512) NOT NULL,
  StandByLocation  VARCHAR(512) NOT NULL,
  IsCurrentStandby BIT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  CONSTRAINT PK_Sec PRIMARY KEY(DatabaseName, ServerInstance),
    REFERENCES dbo.PMAG_Databases(DatabaseName)

If you want to backup from the source server locally, and have the secondaries restore remotely, or vice versa, you can split CommonFolder into two columns (BackupFolder and RestoreFolder), and make relevant changes in the code (there won't be that many).

Since I can populate this table based at least partially on the information in sys.servers – taking advantage of the fact that the data / log and other folders are named after the instance names:

INSERT dbo.PMAG_Secondaries
  DatabaseName = N'UserData', 
  ServerInstance = name,
  CommonFolder = 'C:\temp\Peon' + RIGHT(name, 1) + '\', 
  DataFolder = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL12.PEON'  
               + RIGHT(name, 1) + '\MSSQL\DATA\',
  LogFolder  = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL12.PEON' 
               + RIGHT(name, 1) + '\MSSQL\DATA\',
  StandByLocation = 'C:\temp\Peon' + RIGHT(name, 1) + '\' 
FROM sys.servers 
WHERE name LIKE N'.\PEON[1-4]';

I also need a table to track individual log backups (not just the last one), because in many cases I'll need to restore multiple log files in a sequence. I can get this information from msdb.dbo.backupset, but it is much more complicated to get things like the location – and I may not have control over other jobs which may clean up backup history.

CREATE TABLE dbo.PMAG_LogBackupHistory
  DatabaseName   SYSNAME,
  ServerInstance SYSNAME,
  BackupSetID    INT NOT NULL,
  Location       VARCHAR(2000) NOT NULL,
  CONSTRAINT PK_LBH PRIMARY KEY(DatabaseName, ServerInstance, BackupSetID),
    REFERENCES dbo.PMAG_Databases(DatabaseName),
  CONSTRAINT FK_LBH_Sec FOREIGN KEY(DatabaseName, ServerInstance)
    REFERENCES dbo.PMAG_Secondaries(DatabaseName, ServerInstance)

You might think it is wasteful to store a row for each secondary, and to store the location of every backup, but this is for future-proofing – to handle the case where you move the CommonFolder for any secondary.

And finally a history of log restores so, at any point, I can see which logs have been restored and where, and the restore job can be sure to only restore logs that haven't already been restored:

CREATE TABLE dbo.PMAG_LogRestoreHistory
  DatabaseName   SYSNAME,
  ServerInstance SYSNAME,
  BackupSetID    INT,
  RestoreTime    DATETIME,
  CONSTRAINT PK_LRH PRIMARY KEY(DatabaseName, ServerInstance, BackupSetID),
    REFERENCES dbo.PMAG_Databases(DatabaseName),
  CONSTRAINT FK_LRH_Sec FOREIGN KEY(DatabaseName, ServerInstance)
    REFERENCES dbo.PMAG_Secondaries(DatabaseName, ServerInstance)

Step 5 – initialize secondaries

We need a stored procedure that will generate a backup file (and mirror it to any locations required by different instances), and we will also restore one log to each secondary to put them all in standby. At this point they will all be available for read-only queries, but only one will be the "current" standby at any one time. This is the stored procedure that will handle both full and transaction log backups; when a full backup is requested, and @init is set to 1, it automatically re-initializes log shipping.

  @dbname SYSNAME,
  @type   CHAR(3) = 'bak', -- or 'trn'
  @init   BIT     = 0 -- only used with 'bak'

  -- generate a filename pattern
  DECLARE @fn NVARCHAR(256) = @dbname + N'_' + CONVERT(CHAR(8), @now, 112) 
      CONVERT(DATE, @now), @now)), 6) + N'.' + @type;

  -- generate a backup command with MIRROR TO for each distinct CommonFolder
    + CASE @type WHEN 'bak' THEN N' DATABASE ' ELSE N' LOG ' END
    + QUOTENAME(@dbname) + ' 
    ' + STUFF(
        (SELECT DISTINCT CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) + N' MIRROR TO DISK = ''' 
           + s.CommonFolder + @fn + ''''
         FROM dbo.PMAG_Secondaries AS s 
         WHERE s.DatabaseName = @dbname 
         FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value(N'.[1]',N'nvarchar(max)'),1,9,N'') + N' 
        WITH NAME = N''' + @dbname + CASE @type 
        WHEN 'bak' THEN N'_PMAGFull' ELSE N'_PMAGLog' END 
        SERVERPROPERTY(N'Edition')), 3) IN (N'Dev', N'Ent')

  EXEC [master].sys.sp_executesql @sql;

  IF @type = 'bak' AND @init = 1  -- initialize log shipping
    EXEC dbo.PMAG_InitializeSecondaries @dbname = @dbname, @fn = @fn;

  IF @type = 'trn'
    -- record the fact that we backed up a log
    INSERT dbo.PMAG_LogBackupHistory
      DatabaseName = @dbname, 
      ServerInstance = s.ServerInstance, 
      BackupSetID = MAX(b.backup_set_id), 
      Location = s.CommonFolder + @fn
    FROM msdb.dbo.backupset AS b
    CROSS JOIN dbo.PMAG_Secondaries AS s
    WHERE b.name = @dbname + N'_PMAGLog'
      AND s.DatabaseName = @dbname
    GROUP BY s.ServerInstance, s.CommonFolder + @fn;
    -- once we've backed up logs, 
    -- restore them on the next secondary
    EXEC dbo.PMAG_RestoreLogs @dbname = @dbname;

This in turn calls two procedures that you could call separately (but most likely will not). First, the procedure that will initialize the secondaries on first run:

ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.PMAG_InitializeSecondaries
  @dbname SYSNAME,
  @fn     VARCHAR(512)

  -- clear out existing history/settings (since this may be a re-init)
  DELETE dbo.PMAG_LogBackupHistory  WHERE DatabaseName = @dbname;
  DELETE dbo.PMAG_LogRestoreHistory WHERE DatabaseName = @dbname;
  UPDATE dbo.PMAG_Secondaries SET IsCurrentStandby = 0
    WHERE DatabaseName = @dbname;

          @files NVARCHAR(MAX) = N'';

  -- need to know the logical file names - may be more than two
  SET @sql = N'SELECT @files = (SELECT N'', MOVE N'''''' + name 
    + '''''' TO N''''$'' + CASE [type] WHEN 0 THEN N''df''
      WHEN 1 THEN N''lf'' END + ''$''''''
    FROM ' + QUOTENAME(@dbname) + '.sys.database_files
    WHERE [type] IN (0,1)
    FOR XML PATH, TYPE).value(N''.[1]'',N''nvarchar(max)'');';

  EXEC master.sys.sp_executesql @sql,
    N'@files NVARCHAR(MAX) OUTPUT', 
    @files = @files OUTPUT;

  SET @sql = N'';

  -- restore - need physical paths of data/log files for WITH MOVE
  -- this can fail, obviously, if those path+names already exist for another db
  SELECT @sql += N'EXEC ' + QUOTENAME(ServerInstance) 
    + N'.master.sys.sp_executesql N''RESTORE DATABASE ' + QUOTENAME(@dbname) 
    + N' FROM DISK = N''''' + CommonFolder + @fn + N'''''' + N' WITH REPLACE, 
      NORECOVERY' + REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(@files, N'$df$', DataFolder 
    + @dbname + N'.mdf'), N'$lf$', LogFolder + @dbname + N'.ldf'), N'''', N'''''') 
    + N';'';' + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)
  FROM dbo.PMAG_Secondaries
  WHERE DatabaseName = @dbname;

  EXEC [master].sys.sp_executesql @sql;

  -- backup a log for this database
  EXEC dbo.PMAG_Backup @dbname = @dbname, @type = 'trn';

  -- restore logs
  EXEC dbo.PMAG_RestoreLogs @dbname = @dbname, @PrepareAll = 1;

And then the procedure that will restore the logs:

  @dbname     SYSNAME,
  @PrepareAll BIT = 0

  DECLARE @StandbyInstance SYSNAME,
          @CurrentInstance SYSNAME,
          @BackupSetID     INT, 
          @Location        VARCHAR(512),
          @StandByLocation VARCHAR(512),
          @sql             NVARCHAR(MAX),
          @rn              INT;

  -- get the "next" standby instance
  SELECT @StandbyInstance = MIN(ServerInstance)
    FROM dbo.PMAG_Secondaries
    WHERE IsCurrentStandby = 0
      AND ServerInstance > (SELECT ServerInstance
    FROM dbo.PMAG_Secondaries
    WHERE IsCurrentStandBy = 1);

  IF @StandbyInstance IS NULL -- either it was last or a re-init
    SELECT @StandbyInstance = MIN(ServerInstance)
      FROM dbo.PMAG_Secondaries;
  -- get that instance up and into STANDBY
  -- for each log in logbackuphistory not in logrestorehistory:
  -- restore, and insert it into logrestorehistory
  -- mark the last one as STANDBY
  -- if @prepareAll is true, mark all others as NORECOVERY
  -- in this case there should be only one, but just in case

    SELECT bh.BackupSetID, s.ServerInstance, bh.Location, s.StandbyLocation,
      rn = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY s.ServerInstance ORDER BY bh.BackupSetID DESC)
    FROM dbo.PMAG_LogBackupHistory AS bh
    INNER JOIN dbo.PMAG_Secondaries AS s
    ON bh.DatabaseName = s.DatabaseName
    AND bh.ServerInstance = s.ServerInstance
    WHERE s.DatabaseName = @dbname
    AND s.ServerInstance = CASE @PrepareAll 
	WHEN 1 THEN s.ServerInstance ELSE @StandbyInstance END
      SELECT 1 FROM dbo.PMAG_LogRestoreHistory AS rh
        WHERE DatabaseName = @dbname
        AND ServerInstance = s.ServerInstance
        AND BackupSetID = bh.BackupSetID
    ORDER BY CASE s.ServerInstance 
      WHEN @StandbyInstance THEN 1 ELSE 2 END, bh.BackupSetID;

  OPEN c;
  FETCH c INTO @BackupSetID, @CurrentInstance, @Location, @StandbyLocation, @rn;

    -- kick users out - set to single_user then back to multi
    SET @sql = N'EXEC ' + QUOTENAME(@CurrentInstance) + N'.[master].sys.sp_executesql '
    + 'N''IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sys.databases WHERE name = N''''' 
	+ @dbname + ''''' AND [state]  1)

    EXEC [master].sys.sp_executesql @sql;

    -- restore the log (in STANDBY if it's the last one):
    SET @sql = N'EXEC ' + QUOTENAME(@CurrentInstance) 
      + N'.[master].sys.sp_executesql ' + N'N''RESTORE LOG ' + QUOTENAME(@dbname) 
      + N' FROM DISK = N''''' + @Location + N''''' WITH ' + CASE WHEN @rn = 1 
        AND (@CurrentInstance = @StandbyInstance OR @PrepareAll = 1) THEN 
        N'STANDBY = N''''' + @StandbyLocation + @dbname + N'.standby''''' ELSE 
        N'NORECOVERY' END + N';'';';

    EXEC [master].sys.sp_executesql @sql;

    -- record the fact that we've restored logs
    INSERT dbo.PMAG_LogRestoreHistory
      (DatabaseName, ServerInstance, BackupSetID, RestoreTime)
    SELECT @dbname, @CurrentInstance, @BackupSetID, SYSDATETIME();

    -- mark the new standby
    IF @rn = 1 AND @CurrentInstance = @StandbyInstance -- this is the new STANDBY
        UPDATE dbo.PMAG_Secondaries 
          SET IsCurrentStandby = CASE ServerInstance
            WHEN @StandbyInstance THEN 1 ELSE 0 END 
          WHERE DatabaseName = @dbname;

    FETCH c INTO @BackupSetID, @CurrentInstance, @Location, @StandbyLocation, @rn;


(I know it's a lot of code, and a lot of cryptic dynamic SQL. I tried to be very liberal with comments; if there is a piece you're having trouble with, please let me know.)

So now, all you have to do to get the system up and running is make two procedure calls:

EXEC dbo.PMAG_Backup @dbname = N'UserData', @type = 'bak', @init = 1;
EXEC dbo.PMAG_Backup @dbname = N'UserData', @type = 'trn';

Now you should see each instance with a standby copy of the database:


And you can see which one should currently serve as the read-only standby:

SELECT ServerInstance, IsCurrentStandby
  FROM dbo.PMAG_Secondaries 
  WHERE DatabaseName = N'UserData';

Step 6 – create a job that backs up / restores logs

You can put this command in a job you schedule for every 15 minutes:

EXEC dbo.PMAG_Backup @dbname = N'UserData', @type = 'trn';

This will shift the active secondary every 15 minutes, and its data will be 15 minutes fresher than the previous active secondary. If you have multiple databases on different schedules, you can create multiple jobs, or schedule the job more frequently and check the dbo.PMAG_Databases table for each individual LogBackupFrequency_Minutes value to determine if you should run the backup/restore for that database.

Step 7 – view and procedure to tell application which standby is active

CREATE VIEW dbo.PMAG_ActiveSecondaries
  SELECT DatabaseName, ServerInstance
    FROM dbo.PMAG_Secondaries
    WHERE IsCurrentStandby = 1;

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.PMAG_GetActiveSecondary
  @dbname SYSNAME

  SELECT ServerInstance
    FROM dbo.PMAG_ActiveSecondaries
    WHERE DatabaseName = @dbname;

In my case, I also manually created a view unioning across all of the UserData databases so that I could compare the recency of the data on the primary with each secondary.

CREATE VIEW dbo.PMAG_CompareRecency_UserData
  WITH x(ServerInstance, EventTime)
    SELECT @@SERVERNAME, EventTime FROM UserData.dbo.LastUpdate
    UNION ALL SELECT N'.\PEON1', EventTime FROM [.\PEON1].UserData.dbo.LastUpdate
    UNION ALL SELECT N'.\PEON2', EventTime FROM [.\PEON2].UserData.dbo.LastUpdate
    UNION ALL SELECT N'.\PEON3', EventTime FROM [.\PEON3].UserData.dbo.LastUpdate
    UNION ALL SELECT N'.\PEON4', EventTime FROM [.\PEON4].UserData.dbo.LastUpdate
  SELECT x.ServerInstance, s.IsCurrentStandby, x.EventTime,
         Age_Minutes = DATEDIFF(MINUTE, x.EventTime, SYSDATETIME()),
         Age_Seconds = DATEDIFF(SECOND, x.EventTime, SYSDATETIME())
    FROM x LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.PMAG_Secondaries AS s
      ON s.ServerInstance = x.ServerInstance
      AND s.DatabaseName = N'UserData';

Sample results from the weekend:


SELECT ServerInstance, IsCurrentStandby, EventTime, Age_Minutes, Age_Seconds
  FROM dbo.PMAG_CompareRecency_UserData
  ORDER BY Age_Seconds DESC;

Age of each secondary once up and running

Step 8 – cleanup procedure

Cleaning up the log backup and restore history is pretty easy.

  @dbname   SYSNAME,
  @DaysOld  INT = 7

  DECLARE @cutoff INT;

  -- this assumes that a log backup either 
  -- succeeded or failed on all secondaries 
  SELECT @cutoff = MAX(BackupSetID)
    FROM dbo.PMAG_LogBackupHistory AS bh
    WHERE DatabaseName = @dbname
    AND BackupTime < DATEADD(DAY, -@DaysOld, SYSDATETIME())
      SELECT 1 
        FROM dbo.PMAG_LogRestoreHistory AS rh
        WHERE BackupSetID = bh.BackupSetID
          AND DatabaseName = @dbname
          AND ServerInstance = bh.ServerInstance

  DELETE dbo.PMAG_LogRestoreHistory
    WHERE DatabaseName = @dbname
    AND BackupSetID <= @cutoff;

  DELETE dbo.PMAG_LogBackupHistory 
    WHERE DatabaseName = @dbname
    AND BackupSetID <= @cutoff;

Now, you can add that as a step in the existing job, or you can schedule it completely separately or as part of other cleanup routines.

I'll leave cleaning up the file system for another post (and probably a separate mechanism altogether, such as PowerShell or C# - this isn't typically the kind of thing you want T-SQL to do).

Step 9 - augment the solution

It's true that there could be better error handling and other niceties here to make this solution more complete. For now I will leave that as an exercise for the reader, but I plan to look at follow-up posts to detail improvements and refinements to this solution.

Variables and limitations

Note that in my case I used Standard Edition as the primary, and Express Edition for all secondaries. You could go a step further on the budget scale and even use Express Edition as the primary - a lot of people think Express Edition doesn't support log shipping, when in fact it's merely the wizard that wasn't present in versions of Management Studio Express before SQL Server 2012 Service Pack 1. That said, since Express Edition does not support SQL Server Agent, it would be difficult to make it a publisher in this scenario - you would have to configure your own scheduler to call the stored procedures (C# command line app run by Windows Task Scheduler, PowerShell jobs, or SQL Server Agent jobs on yet another instance). To use Express on either end, you would also have to be confident that your data file won't exceed 10GB, and your queries will function fine with the memory, CPU, and feature limitations of that edition. I am by no means suggesting that Express is ideal; I merely used it to demonstrate that it is possible to have very flexible readable secondaries for free (or very close to it).

Also, these separate instances in my scenario all live on the same VM, but it doesn't have to work that way at all - you can spread the instances out across multiple servers; or, you could go the other way, and restore to different copies of the database, with different names, on the same instance. These configurations would require minimal changes to what I've laid out above. And how many databases you restore to, and how often, is completely up to you - though there will be a practical upper bound (where [average query time] > [number of secondaries] x [log backup interval]).

Finally, there are definitely some limitations with this approach. A non-exhaustive list:

  1. While you can continue to take full backups on your own schedule, the log backups must serve as your only log backup mechanism. If you need to store the log backups for other purposes, you won't be able to back up logs separately from this solution, since they will interfere with the log chain. Instead, you can consider adding additional MIRROR TO arguments to the existing log backup scripts, if you need to have copies of the logs used elsewhere.
  2. While "Poor Man's Availability Groups" may seem like a clever name, it can also be a bit misleading. This solution certainly lacks many of the HA/DR features of Availability Groups, including failover, automatic page repair, and support in the UI, Extended Events and DMVs. This was only meant to provide the ability for non-Enterprise customers to have an infrastructure that supports multiple readable secondaries.
  3. I tested this on a very isolated VM system with no concurrency. This is not a complete solution and there are likely dozens of ways this code could be made tighter; as a first step, and to focus on the scaffolding and to show you what's possible, I did not build in bulletproof resiliency. You will need to test it at your scale and with your workload to discover your breaking points, and you will also potentially need to deal with transactions over linked servers (always fun) and automating the re-initialization in the event of a disaster.

The "Insurance Policy"

Log shipping also offers a distinct advantage over many other solutions, including Availability Groups, mirroring and replication: a delayed "insurance policy" as I like to call it. At my previous job, I did this with full backups, but you could easily use log shipping to accomplish the same thing: I simply delayed the restores to one of the secondary instances by 24 hours. This way, I was protected from any client "shooting themselves in the foot" going back to yesterday, and I could get to their data easily on the delayed copy, because it was 24 hours behind. (I implemented this the first time a customer ran a delete without a where clause, then called us in a panic, at which point we had to restore their database to a point in time before the delete - which was both tedious and time consuming.) You could easily adapt this solution to treat one of these instances not as a read-only secondary but rather as an insurance policy. More on that perhaps in another post.