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Paul Randal, CEO of SQLskills, writes about knee-jerk performance tuning, DBCC, and SQL Server internals.

Paul’s Posts

Latest Builds of SQL Server 2022

Last updated: November 16th, 2022

Docker containers are (will be) available here:

Other resources listed here as they appear.

Label Build # Date DB Version
RTM 16.0.1000.6 2022-11-16 957
Release Candidate 1 16.0.950.9 2022-09-23 957
Release Candidate 0 16.0.900.6 2022-08-23 957
CTP 2.1 16.0.700.4 2022-07-27 955
CTP 2.0 16.0.600.9 2022-05-20 950
CTP 1.5 16.0.500.2 ??? ???
CTP 1.4 16.0.400.2 ??? ???
CTP 1.3 16.0.300.4 ??? ???
CTP 1.2 ??? ???
CTP 1.1 ??? ???
CTP 1.0 ??? ???