Aaron Bertrand

Hit-Highlighting in Full-Text Search

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Paul White is an independent SQL Server consultant specializing in performance tuning, execution plans, and the query optimizer.

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Hit-highlighting is a feature that many people wish SQL Server's Full-Text Search would support natively. This is where you can return the entire document (or an excerpt) and point out the words or phrases that helped match that document to the search. Doing so in an efficient and accurate manner is no easy task, as I found out first hand.

As an example of hit-highlighting: when you perform a search in Google or Bing, you get the key words bolded in both the title and the excerpt (click either image to enlarge):

Bing results (click to enlarge) Google results (click to enlarge)

[As an aside, I find two things amusing here: (1) that Bing favors Microsoft properties a lot more than Google does, and (2) that Bing bothers returning 2.2 million results, many of which are likely irrelevant.]

These excerpts are commonly called "snippets" or "query-biased summarizations." We've been asking for this functionality in SQL Server for some time, but have yet to hear any good news from Microsoft:

The question pops up on Stack Overflow from time to time as well:

There are some partial solutions. This script from Mike Kramar, for example, will produce a hit-highlighted extract, but does not apply the same logic (such as language-specific word breakers) to the document itself. It also uses an absolute character count, so the excerpt can begin and end with partial words (as I will demonstrate shortly). The latter is pretty easy to fix, but another issue is that it loads the entire document into memory, rather than performing any kind of streaming. I suspect that in full-text indexes with large document sizes, this will be a noticeable performance hit. For now I'll focus on a relatively small average document size (35 KB).

A simple example

So let's say we have a very simple table, with a full-text index defined:


CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Document]
  [ID]      INT IDENTITY(1001,1) NOT NULL,
  [Url]     NVARCHAR(200) NOT NULL,
  [Date]    DATE NOT NULL,
  [Title]   NVARCHAR(200) NOT NULL,

  [Content] LANGUAGE [English], 
  [Title]   LANGUAGE [English]
KEY INDEX [PK_Document] ON ([FTSDemo]);

This table is populated with a few documents (specifically, 7), such as the Declaration of Independence, and Nelson Mandela's "I am prepared to die" speech. A typical full-text search against this table might be:

SELECT d.Title, d.[Content]
FROM dbo.[Document] AS d 
  INNER JOIN CONTAINSTABLE(dbo.[Document], *, N'states') AS t
  ON d.ID = t.[KEY]

The result returns 4 rows out of 7:

Generic FTS results

Now using a UDF function like Mike Kramar's:

SELECT d.Title, 
  Excerpt = dbo.HighLightSearch(d.[Content], N'states', 'font-weight:bold', 80)
FROM dbo.[Document] AS d
INNER JOIN CONTAINSTABLE(dbo.[Document], *, N'states') AS t
ON d.ID = t.[KEY]

The results show how the excerpt works: a <SPAN> tag is injected at the first keyword, and the excerpt is carved out based on an offset from that position (with no consideration for using complete words):

UDF excerpt results

(Again, this is something that can be fixed, but I want to be sure I properly represent what is out there now.)


Eran Meyuchas of Interactive Thoughts has developed a component that solves many of these issues. ThinkHighlight is implemented as a CLR Assembly with two CLR scalar-valued functions:

ThinkHighlight objects

(You'll also see Mike Kramar's UDF in the list of functions.)

Now, without getting into all of the details about installing and activating the assembly on your system, here is how the above query would be represented with ThinkHighlight:

SELECT d.Title, 
  Excerpt = dbo.HitHighlight(dbo.HitHighlightContext('Document', 'Content', N'states', -1), 
    'top-fragment', 100, d.ID)
FROM dbo.[Document] AS d
INNER JOIN CONTAINSTABLE(dbo.[Document], *, N'states') AS t
ON d.ID = t.[KEY]

The results show how the most relevant keywords are highlighted, and an excerpt is derived from that based on full words and an offset from the term being highlighted:

ThinkHighlight results

Some additional advantages that I haven't demonstrated here include the ability to choose different summarization strategies, controlling the presentation of each keyword (rather than all) using unique CSS, as well as support for multiple languages and even documents in binary format (most IFilters are supported).

Performance results

Initially I tested the runtime metrics for the three queries using SQL Sentry Plan Explorer, against the 7-row table. The results were:

Plan Explorer results

Next I wanted to see how they would compare on a much larger data size. I inserted the table into itself until I was at 4,000 rows, then ran the following query:


SELECT /* FTS */ d.Title, d.[Content]
FROM dbo.[Document] AS d 
INNER JOIN CONTAINSTABLE(dbo.[Document], *, N'states') AS t
ON d.ID = t.[KEY]

SELECT /* UDF */ d.Title, 
  Excerpt = dbo.HighLightSearch(d.[Content], N'states', 'font-weight:bold', 100)
FROM dbo.[Document] AS d
INNER JOIN CONTAINSTABLE(dbo.[Document], *, N'states') AS t
ON d.ID = t.[KEY]

SELECT /* ThinkHighlight */ d.Title, 
  Excerpt = dbo.HitHighlight(dbo.HitHighlightContext('Document', 'Content', N'states', -1), 
    'top-fragment', 100, d.ID)
FROM dbo.[Document] AS d
INNER JOIN CONTAINSTABLE(dbo.[Document], *, N'states') AS t
ON d.ID = t.[KEY]


I also monitored sys.dm_exec_memory_grants while the queries were running, to pick up any discrepancies in memory grants. Results averaging over 10 runs:

Duration Results (in seconds)

Memory Grant results (in KB)

While both hit-highlighting options incur a significant penalty over not highlighting at all, the ThinkHighlight solution – with more flexible options – represents a very marginal incremental cost in terms of duration (~1%), while using significantly less memory (36%) than the UDF variant.


It should not come as a surprise that hit-highlighting is an expensive operation, and based on the complexity of what has to be supported (think multiple languages), that very few solutions exist out there. I think Mike Kramar has done an excellent job producing a baseline UDF that gets you a good way toward solving the problem, but I was pleasantly surprised to find a more robust commercial offering – and found it to be very stable, even in beta form. I do plan to perform more thorough tests using a wider range of document sizes and types. In the meantime, if hit-highlighting is a part of your application requirements, you should try out Mike Kramar's UDF and consider taking ThinkHighlight for a test drive.